Friday, October 31, 2008


I had an odd dream last night. And while communicating dreams to others is notoriously boring, I say "bah."

I dreamed that we here in this particular reality are permitted to shift, or rather sneak a glimpse, into alternate realities. Realities distinct from one another as they are distinct from our own. But realities that are nonetheless more "real" or closer to The Ultimate Reality than the one we exist within as physical beings trapped here on Earth.

I dreamed further that these "higher realities" we are given the grace to peer into from time to time are the "Principalities." And that these Principalities exist at the Foot of The Altar of God Himself. But they do not serve solely in order to praise... rather they also serve to obscure... to purposefully obscure the Seat of God Himself. But not in a nefarious way. Rather in a manner in which we, as humankind, are enabled to taste a slight analog of what Paradise is actually like. We are permitted to sip from these Principalities in order that our hunger for The Eternal grows more robust within our souls. And, if I recall the dream accurately, there was some real concern that Humankind simply could not experience the Divine Seat. I mean I took this to mean that it is truly impossible for us... dare I say dangerous in some manner... for humans to even whet our lips in a Water as Pure as that promised by the Christ. So, it is in this context that the Principalities (again, in my dream) are "situated" in the manner they were in my dream.

I also dreamed something awful: I dreamed that there are forces in this reality, working in conjunction with forces not of this reality, that are actively engaged in destroying the Principalities. I don't know what this means, of course, for it was a fanciful dream. But I was given to understand that the motive had to do with restricting the available Principalities a human could glimpse. I was led to believe that the purpose of destroying the Principalities was akin to suffocating Mankind spiritually, by denying humans access to these intermediaries. In my dream, a friend described it thusly: think of a room in which we sit. Imagine numerous vents in the room, each leading to a distinct source of fresh air. Now, imagine if over time those ventilation systems are purposefully collapsed. It would get stuffy and intolerable.

I was also given to understand that these forces of evil were having some significant success. And that it was only when the final Principality was destroyed that the Christ would return.