Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Speed of Light and the Afterlife

I was pondering the integral relationship of speed and time described in "the Fabric of Time" as pioneered by Einstein. The relationship reveals that speed and time are entwined in a negative relationship of... erm... epic proportion: the faster one travels, the slower time passes. Ultimately, scientific tests seem to foretell, if one could travel at the speed of light (that is, really fast), time would stop altogether.

Then I started to think of Eternity, or as in an earlier post, the Eternal Now. So, if when I die, I am converted to pure light, wouldn't I be in a permanent state of the eternal now? This led me to the eternal oneness and then my brain glazed.

Anyway, it is curious that "light" seems to be the common denominator of all scientific, philosophic, and theological theories and laws. Why? I don't know.

But today, I have committed to becoming pure light when I croak off. Time will cease and I will barrel through the infinite and eternal now without a scratch, where I will mingle with "other light beings" from eons past who have not sensed, nor even considered, that they have missed a damn thing in terms of human history.


Dan Collins said...

Okay. Just so long as there's still beer.

Nevermore said...

Interesting thought, pretty fun to think about. But may I ask, where will you be going in such a hurry? Straight on to infinity and beyond?

Enoch_Root said...

I don't know. But I wonder if becoming one in the presence of the One is becoming fused with the system of the Cosmos, the All-Being God.